Organisational development and change
The combination of a range of proficiencies, such as selection, appraisal, and training, to re-organise an organisation for continued profitability, growth, and change.
Key Tasks
- Organisational diagnoses for problem areas
- Business reengineering
- Change management
- Team building
- Surveying employees
- Exit Interviewing
- Organisational design
- Work place redesign
- Examining the impact of structural changes
NZ Research
- Kali McKay, Joana R.C. Kuntz & Katharina Näswall (2013). The Effect of Affective Commitment, Communication and Participation on Resistance to Change: The Role of Change Readiness, The New Zealand Journal of Psychology 42(2):857-861
- Kimbal Fraser & Simon Kemp (2012). Effects of Employee Governance and Operational Control on Psychological Ownership and Perceived Justice , The New Zealand Journal of Psychology 41(3):857-861
- Caroline Blackmore & J.R.C Kuntz (2011). Antecedents of Job Insecurity in Restructuring Organisations: An Empirical Investigation, The New Zealand Journal of Psychology 41(3):857-861
- Macky, K., Gardner, D., and Forsyth, S. (2008). Generational Differences at Work: Introduction and Overview, Journal of Managerial Psychology 23(8):857-861
- Ng, Sik Hung (1993). A Job Satisfaction Scale for Nurses, New Zealand Journal of Psychology,22,(1)
- Inkson, K. and Paterson, J. (1993). Organisational Behaviour in New Zealand. The New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 22, (1).
- O’Driscoll, M. and Thomas, D.(1987). Life Experiences and Job Satisfaction Amoung Mobile and Stable Personnel on Large Scale Construction projects. The New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 16, (2).
- Inkson, K. (1987). Organisational Behaviour: A Review of New Zealand Research. The New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 16, (1).
- Ng, S.H. and Cram, F. (1986). Complimentiary and Antagonistic Intergroup Differentiations by New Zealand Nurses. The New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 15, (2).
- National Clearinghouse for Leadership Programs
- Kravis Leadership Institute (Claremont McKenna College)
- Center for Leadership Studies (SUNY–Binghamton)
- Jepson School of Leadership Studies (University of Richmond)
- Center for Creative Leadership
Organisational Development
- OD Network
- The Organisation Development Institute
Learning Organisations
- Society for Organisational Learning
- Standford Learning Organisation Web
Team Development
- Center for the Study of Work Teams
- Conferences
- Regional IO Psych Chat Groups
Other Activities
- Ask a peer to critically review your work
- Prepare or review a best practice guideline in the area
- Aim to read an article regularly and review it for the practical implications for your work
- Canvas a post graduate University Course to refresh your approach and be exposed to the latest literature