John Eatwell, 0274 465 592
All sessions at Joes Garage Meeting Room 
Come To 7 Leslie Street Unless Otherwise Specified 
Please RSVP to John Eatwell before the day of the meeting. 
Date 4:00pm Networking, 4:30pm start Pre-Reading Topic Presenter 
7 August 2024 Understanding Perimenopause: Navigating Change in the Workplace

Organisational Psychologist Gretchen M. McFadden will present on the critical importance of addressing perimenopause in the workplace. 
Key topics addressed during the presentation will be: 
Demystifying perimenopause: Defining what it is, who goes through it, and why organisations are starting to pay more attention to this topic.
The impact on women’s lives: Illustrating how perimenopause affects physical and mental health, daily functioning, and career progression.
Breaking the silence: Highlighting the need for open discussion to reduce stigma. 
Workplace implications: Emphasising the risks organisations face by ignoring these issues and the benefits of acknowledging and supporting employees.
Creating a supportive environment: Discuss and brainstorm on strategies to support those affected by perimenopause and how to educate leaders in this area.
The aim of this session is to increase awareness of why this topic is important and generate ideas on how organisations can support people during this transition, fostering a more inclusive, supportive, and productive workplace. It will be a facilitated session, presenting research on the topic whilst also leveraging off the knowledge in the room via brainstorming and discussion. 
Gretchen McFadden