
Psychology Week – What is Kindness at Work?

Webinar, Monday 16,  8 – 9am: What is kindness at work?

If we ask a child what kindness is, they will give us simple answers (Sometimes examples) of their understanding of this seemingly complex word. As adults in a post-pandemic world, a lot of my colleagues and peers have struggled to pinpoint, define and shar what kindness exactly means to them and to their organisations. While searching for answers for them, I stumbled upon a simple insight- why are we trying to define kindness? Why should we put it into a box and why must we hypothesise around it? I propose that we instead attempt to understand what kindness does not look like. That we together explore how we can make kindness stick in the organisations connecting it to power, productivity, profits alongside authenticity, ethics and social impact.

Sakshi is a UNESCO Kindness Leader. She is the founder of Project LEAP, a social service project that she established at the age of 17 in India. As an Occupational Psychologist and published author, she also facilitates change management sessions globally and is creating a movement for Humanitarian Psychology based on her work on Kindness in organisations and ESG models. She also advises multiple AI-Based start-ups after three years of her own start-up experience which began in her early high-school years. Sakshi has received recognition from the Association of Business Psychology (UK), the European Association of Work and Organisational Psychology and is frequently featured in various media mediums for her work.

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